School News


We communicate with our parents in a variety of different ways: 

  • Email- our weekly newsletter,
  • Important letters and our Parent information Pack 
  • Text- urgent time sensitive information
  • Twitter & Instagram (@SWellsschool) - to celebrate what goes on in our school with parents and partner organisations. 
  • Class Newsletters – so you can see what your child is learning this half term
  • Weekly newsletters
  • Half-termly class newsletters
  • Parents evening in Autumn and Spring term

In the final Summer term, we will send a report that will include a moredetailed comment.

In addition, teachers and the Senior Leadership Team will be on the playground at drop-off and pick-up. However, we know that this is not convenient for all parents and carers so you can also contact us by email on

For information about our curriculum, SEND offer or policies, please see our website. 

The office staff – Mandy and Jonathan - will be able to answer most queries about the general day to day running of the school i.e. payments, letters, club information and general school enquiries. The office staff will also pass messages on to other members of staff.


The class teacher will be the first person to speak to in the case of a class-based issue or enquiry that the office is unable to answer such as friendship issues or academic achievement. The majority of issues can be sorted out at this stage.

For any issue that is more serious in nature such that it demands the attention of a senior member of the Leadership Team then the Assistant Headteachers, Emma and Erica, would need to be contacted.


There may be occasions when an issue is serious enough for it to be brought to the attention of the Headteacher, if a parent is not satisfied with the response.

If a parent is not satisfied with the Headteacher’s response they should address their concerns in writing to the Chair of Governors, who will investigate the matter as per our Complaints Policy (found on the Policies page).


There is a newsletter which is distributed every Friday.

Additional news and information will also be sent to you.

General information and news can be found on the school website.